In the Dutch pigeon magazines you can often read how successful others are with Schaerlaeckensbirds. Under here some of the many fanciers who won 1st prizes in a great competition with the Schaerlaeckensbirds. Unfortunately the exact entry is not always known.
Mr Oltshoorn: 11,000 p - 1st 20,000 p - 1st 23.739 p - 2nd. 1st Champion Kuststrook, over 1.900 fanciers.
Mr Barink: 7.826 p - 1st
Mr v Engelen: 9.113 p - 1st
Mr Eysing: 20.587 p - 1st
Mr Groeneveld: 16.832 p - 1st
Mr van Herrewaarde: 20.200 p - 1st
Mr v d Haar: 3.257 p - 1st, 5.914 p - 1st, 4.189 p - 1st, 9.100 p - 1st, 5,600 p - 1st
Mr Pieper: 6.835 p - 1st, 5.267 p - 1st, 9.206 p - 1st, 1.729 p - 1st, 1.257 p - 1st and much more.
Mr Tjeerdsma: 9.600 p - 1st, 6.100 p - 1st and much more.
Mr v Ravenstein: 3.500 p - 1st.
Mr Banning: 6.081 p - 1st.
Mr Schwartz: 8.450 p - 1st
Mr Senden: 3.300 p - 1st, 3.450 p - 1st.
Mr Soonius: 5.165 p - 1st, 4.059 p - 1st, 8.123 p - 1st and 2nd, 11.420 p - 1st,
8.575 p - 1st, 9.733 p - 1st, 7.796 p - 1st.
Mr Koster: NPO race 24.000 p: 2nd, 3rd, 4th !!! Sissi line!
Mr Leemans: 8.100 p - 1st
Mr Oostendorp: 15.076 p - 1st
Mr van Heeteren: National Orleans 1st, NPO race Etampes 1st.
Mr v d Brandt: 3.783 p - 1st, 1.628 p - 1st, 3.315 p - 1st, 1.941 p - 1st and much more.
Mr Scheele: 1.184 p - 1st and many more. 1st Short Distance Ace Combine.
Mr Claassen: 4.665 p - 1st, 12.798 p - 1st.
Mr Wings won 1st prov Orleans 5.152 p (Sissi line)
Mr Schlechtriem: 9.754 p - 1st
Mr v Swieten: 8.324 p - 1st, 7.254 p - 1st, 7.451 p - 1st.
Mr J Roks: 1.201 p - 1st and many more.
Mr P Elbers: 1.111 p - 1st, 1.480 p - 1st
Mr J Stoll: 4.530 p - 1st and many more.
Mr Hoogwoud: 2.532 p - 1st and many more.
Mr v d Horst: 7.100 p - 1st, 4.800 p - 1st , 18.000 p - 1st and many more.
Mr Engelsman; 3.500 p - 1st
Mr Elzinga: One Schaerlaeckensbird (Vale) gave over 30 winners.
Mr de Boer: 7.800 p - 1st
Mr Tenback: 9.991 p - 1st.
Mr van Veen: 27.500 p - 1st, 21.000 p - 1st.
Mr Kouwenhoven: 5.189 p - 1st
Mr Schelle: A Schaerlaeckensbird won 11 firsts for him.
Mr Jorritsma: 1st Champion Combine
Mr Vis won S-National Bourges 8.500 p. He also won a car.
Mr van Heyningen won a car as well with a Schaerlaeckensbird.
Mr Schapink: 7.217 p - 1, 4, 5 and many more firsts. 1st Ace Combine.
Mr Holland: 2nd National Ace Scotland.
Mr Polhuis was National Champion All Holland with Schaerlaeckensbirds (fond).
Mr Nijhof: 1st champion Combine Short Distance.
Mr Lutjenslossink became in 2000 1st Champion Combine. 1.200 fanciers.
Mr E v d Keuken became 1st Champion Combine. 730 fanciers.
Mr Bennink won in 1995 1st S Nat Bourges.
Mr Ulrich became 2nd National Champion. He had 2nd and 3rd Nat Ace,
He won 3.135 p - 1st, 5.265 p - 1st, 2.804 p - 1st, 2.749 p - 1st, 4.171 p - 1st, 2.314 p - 1st, 2.991 p - 1st, 1.106 p - 1st, 1.555 p - 1st, 3.607 p - 1st,. In 2001 he had a Schaerlaeckensbird that won 2 times in first 10 National.
Mr v t Hul became 'Superchampion' Combine 1.000 fanciers.
Mr A Schwartz became 1st Champion Combine.


Mr de Ruyter: 5.109 p - 1st . Three firsts Rayon, 4th S-Nat. Orleans.
Mr Weyst. His 98-1421591 won. Tours 3.757 p - 1, Tours S-Nat 11.866 p - 2, Chantilly 13.203 p - 3, Orleans S-Nat 11.601 p - 15, Chateauroux 5.283 p - 10.
Mr Colijn won 1st S-Nat Tours 11.866 p (partly Schaerlaeckensblood).
W v Lent won in 2001 3rd S-Nat Orleans. Ring Ad Schaerlaeckens.
Mr Hulkenberg won: Houdeng 4.048 p - 1, 2, 3. 2,868 p - 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13. He also won 1st S-Nat Etampes (17.000 p) Line Superstar and Sissi.
Mr F La Bruyn won 4 1sts, in 2001 1st Ace Prov Afd M.
Mr F Timmermans has a grandchild of Creilman (Son Sissi). This bird alone won 15.454 p - 1, 9.508 p - 1, 8.923 p - 1.
Mr K Minderhoud won 3rd Prov Bettembourg. Line Orleansdoffertje (Sissi)
Mr W Zoontjens: Over 7.000 p - 1st. Line Sissi.
Mr v d Zijde had National Ace Holland NPO long distance in 2000 with a pure Schaerlaeckensbird (line Sissi x Superstar).
He also had 2nd World Champion youngsters, line Superstar.
Mr Leytens had best Olympiad pigeon short distance All Holland and 2nd World Champion V.L. long distance. Line Sissi.
Mr W de Bruyn won 1st of over 10.000 p. (line Sissi). Before he had 5th Nat Ace long distance hens. Line Sissi too.
Mr Wouters Coreman became National Champion Belgium partly with Schaerlaeckensbirds.
Mr Braet from Heikant won 1st S-National Bourges in 2001, fastest 17.000 birds. Pure Schaerlaeckens (line Orleansdoffertje Sissi and Superstar).
Mr St v Breemen won 2nd Combine Orleans. Line Superstar.
Mr Verhoeven won 1st S-National Montlucon 11.500 p. Line Sissi.
Mr van Herrewaarde Tiel won 2nd National Orleans 22.000 p.
Mr Werson: National Orleans 25.280 p - 1st
Mr Eric Limbourg had Olympiad bird (line Superstar).
Mr G en B Verkerk won 1st (appr 6.000 birds). Of about 50.000 birds only 2 faster
Mr Schwichtenberg became in 2001 1st National Champion Long distance of ALL GERMANY !!!

This is only a summary

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